Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Camera stuff for opening; MightyMedia12!

 GREAT news is that the camera has come back, and we have bought some little accessories to shoot our opening with.
For those of you who don't know, our film is called The Holiday. It tells the story of 5 friends going on a holiday to Oxford, as they are pretty much broke, however make friends with Oxford locals and sparks a new generation of friendships between two stereotyped regions of the UK. Essex being typically "Working class", and Oxford, "upper class". Now.. I should let you know that the actors are all from Oxford,  but they are absolutely fantastic, so you are in for a great film.

This film plays on the sterotypes of Age and Class, which are very highly stereotyped in our society, and the moral of this film is to kind of get rid of those sterotypes, and show that relationships can be built, wherever you are from. (Aww isn't that nice!?)

Here are some pictures of the equiment we are using:
our camera.

                     our dolly.

              and finally our lighting set.

Monday, 14 January 2013

MightyMedia; Possible Sounds!

Possible sounds to use to ‘Our Holiday’ film opening-

Hard sound effects: They are common sounds which are seen on the screen, like   door slams, gunfire, and vehicles driving by.

Background sound effects: They are sounds which don’t completely coordinate with the picture, but denote setting to the audiences, like the sound of a fluorescent light being switched on and interiors of cars. The noise of crowd speaking in the backdrop is considered a background sound effect, but only on the condition that the language is unrecognizable.
Foley sound effects: They are sounds which completely coordinate on the screen, and demand the skill of a foley artist to record appropriately. The movement concerning hand props, like forks and knives and the rustling of cloth are commonly seen examples of foley units.
Design sound effects: They are sounds which don’t generally occur naturally, or are completely impossible to record in natural surroundings. These kind of sounds are utilized to depict extravagant technology in any sci-fi film, or may be used in a musical manner to denote an emotionally heavy mood.

Possible sounds to use to ‘Our Holiday’ film opening-
The entire process may be divided into 2 halves: the recording of all the sound effects, and their processing. Most sound effects are custom recorded for each and every project. However, if the clock and money do not permit, the step for recording may be replaced by utilizing huge libraries of sound effects that are already recorded. Although sound effect libraries can contain each and every effect that a producer needs, for reasons concerning timing, custom recorded sound effects are opted for.
Foley is one more method for adding sound effects. Foley is a technique to create sound effects and not a kind of sound effect by itself, but, it is commonly used to create the real world sounds which are extremely descriptive of the event being shown onscreen, like footsteps. With the help of this technique, the action onscreen is recreated to try and replicate it as much as possible. If done properly it becomes very difficult for audience to point out, what kind of sounds are added and which of the sounds are originally recorded. In earlier days, foley artists would mix sounds in real time. Nowadays, with effects held in a digital format, it is simple to create any needed sequence to be played in any required timeline.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

MightyMedia; Ms Bird- Representation in 'Our Holiday'

Take 5 Productions presents ‘Our Holiday’



 Age-                            (The words in RED are the areas of representation we are focusing on)




 Albert, Kel, Jessica, Jason and Emily.
In the opening of our film, Our Holiday, Take5 productions will represent class, age and gender.
GENDER- In our film opening we have 3 boys and 2 girls. Within this there are two couples. The way gender is portrayed in our film is that both sexes are equal, no one is superior and no one is inferior to anyone else.
CLASS- in our film 'Our Holiday' this group of five friends, who are from Essex plan to go on holiday, but being students, with a lack of money, they can only afford to go somewhere in thr UK and decide that Oxford would be a nice place to visit. Where they are from, they are the lower end of middle class, therefore the contrast between this group and the people they meet in Oxford, is significant, due to Oxfordians being stereotyped as posh and intellectual.
AGE- The characters range from age 16-18 and are stereotyped badly. In the media now a days teens are stereotyped, for example-  When the word "teenager" comes to mind, so do drugs, sex, alchohol, pregnancy and school dropout. So in our film opening we want to portray that not all teens are like this. Yes we know there are a few that are like this, but not all teens are. So the characters in Our Holiday, even though they come from a rough background, are actually polite, considerate and kind young people, so everything opposite to what the media says.
CAMERA WORK - Our camera is a Canon 110d, so it is practical - EOS Digital. We plan to use a continuous shot in our opening, and by this we have had to build a Steadi Cam out of PVC Piping! IT WORKS! I can't really talk much about this, as we will only find problems when filming, so keep posted here.

MISE EN SCENE - Our opening will be shot in "Essex", but actually Oxford. To do this we have gone all over the city to find a stereotypical Essex road. As the characters range from 16-18 years old, we will dress them in hoodies, jeans etc. Everything you expect a teenager nowadays to wear. We want this opening to be as recent as possible. However, their dress and social being will contrast Oxford, as they are stereotyped to be two different places, and this film is trying to erase those differences, and show it on a different perspective.

SOUND - Again, there isn't much to say about sound.. only that we hope it goes well! One point is soundtracks. As there will be a few montages, music will play a very large part in the film. In our Opening, we have chosen a very appropriate soundtrack (can't reveal yet!)

EDITING - The way in which we plan to edit our opening, is to use some techniques similar to ones used by Spielberg, or Michael Bay. We plan to use quick cuts on more dramatic scenes, involve the wide use of montages, but also colour our film by our lighting, and a bit of post producion to use the colour scemes orange in the foreground and blue in the background. This lighting sceme can be seen in Transformers. It is something we will use. We will use time to our advantage in this film - Eg. Time lapse from day-night.

Monday, 7 January 2013

MightyMedia12; FILM opening!

2013 is  here, and it is the release year of our film!  we have gone away over the holiday, and begun filming our opening. Now we have happened to encounter a small problem of the camera failing on us.. TWICE! However now we have the camera fixed, we are having a meeting on Wednesday to discuss costumes, locations, filming techiques, sound, lighting etc!



We are going to be posting all of our news on here and also on