Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Camera stuff for opening; MightyMedia12!

 GREAT news is that the camera has come back, and we have bought some little accessories to shoot our opening with.
For those of you who don't know, our film is called The Holiday. It tells the story of 5 friends going on a holiday to Oxford, as they are pretty much broke, however make friends with Oxford locals and sparks a new generation of friendships between two stereotyped regions of the UK. Essex being typically "Working class", and Oxford, "upper class". Now.. I should let you know that the actors are all from Oxford,  but they are absolutely fantastic, so you are in for a great film.

This film plays on the sterotypes of Age and Class, which are very highly stereotyped in our society, and the moral of this film is to kind of get rid of those sterotypes, and show that relationships can be built, wherever you are from. (Aww isn't that nice!?)

Here are some pictures of the equiment we are using:
our camera.

                     our dolly.

              and finally our lighting set.

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