Wednesday, 8 May 2013

MightyMedia; Our Film and the problems we overcame!


Hello fellow bloggers!

Today I'm going to talk about the problems we had whilst filming our film opening, for AS Media Studies! As all the groups we, TAKE5 PRODUCTIONS, also  came across a number of problems whilst filming our opening.

The first one being the camera battery! It kept dying on us. This involved multiple takes on certain shots, but we got there eventually.

 As you will see when I upload the finalised version, we had the weather on our side - the snow gave us an awesome effect which really added to the authenticity and uniqueness of this opening. It really looked great.

The second problem that we had during filming, was the stability of the camera shots. They were very very jumpy and unstable, so we thought on the spot and came up with a simple stabaliser, that I will share with you now.
I based it on some shoulder stabalisers that Harry had seen in the past.
We took a tripod and tilted the plate back so that it was facing towards the sky. I then attached Harry's camera onto it, whilst putting a dumbell weight - about 2.5kg - on the feet of the tripod. Then, we put it on my shoulder and we got incredibly steady shots.
Other than that, everything went pretty well!



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