Wednesday, 8 May 2013

MightyMedia; Our Group- TAKE5!

Right I have just realised we havent given you guys an introduction as to who we all actually are, TAKE5. So to make up for that I have created this... Hope you like it.


This is Harry Hemingway McGhee, he is the head of camera work in our production group. Harry is very talented when it comes to all things media and has been a massive credit to our group. Me and Simon would be lost with out you.


This is Simon Anywar, he is the head of camera and sound in our production group. Simons forte is music, he is super talented and was SO helpful in choosing music and establishing certain genres of music and what appropriate moving actions to add over the top.

MEET MEG, well me!

I am Megan O'Connor and in TAKE5 I was the head of set design. I am the most picky member of the group during the editing stages, as Simon and Harry will tell you- due to the fact i am a bit of a perfectionist.

Speak to you soon bloggers,

with all our love...




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